Executive Education
Embarking on the journey to digital transformation is now a necessity for any company wishing to maintain and boost its competitiveness. To accompany and advise you in this transition, the Digital Lab and the HEC Liège Executive Education offer you a varierty of thematic modules, and certifications.
Executive Master & Specialization Certificate
This in-depth training will provide you with know-how and an exhaustive vision of a problematic. They are delivered by proven field specialists and academics. It is also an opportunity for you to have your skills acknowledged and valued! The format is 6 days, and the themes are selected among those supported by the Digital Lab. You may also choose to follow one or several of the modules separately without following the complete program, according to your needs and interests.
> To learn more about our certificates, visit the HEC Liège Executive Education website.
Modules & Topics
Certificate of Specialization in Technological Innovation Management
Understand, anticipate and implement the digital transformations impacting the various functions of organizations and their processes.
This Certificate of Specialization in Technological Innovation Management is designed to help you understand the impact of digital technology on your organization, as well as on the businesses within your company.
In this training program, you will take part in two days of workshops on the strategic approach applied to the context of a digital transformation, and one day devoted to demystifying digital and the terms that surround it.
You will then be able to complete your curriculum with the training modules that correspond to your needs, from a catalog offered in collaboration with the Digital Lab.
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Certificate of Specialization in Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Gain a better understanding of the challenges of AI and its impact on your business.
This Certificate of Specialization in Artificial Intelligence (AI) is designed to help you better understand the challenges of AI and its impact on your company.
In this training, you will have the opportunity to understand the concepts of AI, its applications and the terminology that goes with it, while tackling the ethical issues of AI in a holistic approach.
In addition to the compulsory modules, you will be able to complete your curriculum with training modules that match your needs, from a catalog offered in collaboration with the Digital Lab.
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