
Seminar : Legislation on artificial intelligence

This training aims to provide participants with an understanding of the legal and regulatory issues surrounding the use of artificial intelligence and data management, in order to navigate the regulatory implications of AI.

Attend this training to understand the legal and regulatory frameworks that frame the use of artificial intelligence, to ensure legal compliance in your projects and business activities.

This training is organized by HEC Liège Executive Education and the Digital Lab.


  • 09:00 ▶ 12:30: EU regulation on AI ▶ Actors involved: who are the developers, users, and service providers involved? ▶ Legal obligations: what are actors' responsibilities under the AI ACT? ▶Personal data & AI ▶ Legal regime applicable to personal data processing in the development phase. ▶ Defining a purpose & lawful processing ▶ Open Data & AI
  • 13:30 ▶ 17:00 : Intellectual property & AI ▶ What rights and obligations on training data? ▶ What rights and obligations on data produced by AI? Liability & AI ▶ Defective product & AI ▶ EU Directive on civil liability ▶ Debrief of the first day


  • Florian Ernotte

    Lawyer specialized in business law

Member of the Liège-Huy Bar. Florian practices business law, providing comprehensive solutions for companies of all sizes. He advises clients on issues relating to company law, tax law, contract law and corporate law in the broadest sense. A technology enthusiast, Florian co-founded the www.cryptomonnaie.be website and wrote the 1st e-book on Belgian cryptocurrency taxation. He is an active member of Walchain and Blockchain4Belgium.

He is a regular speaker on topics related to blockchain and crypto-assets (Anthemis, Incuebrux, Blockchain4Belgium (Tax & Mica), Brussels Bockchain Week 2022, Click Mons, Etudes & Expansion,…).