Les Cahiers du Digital
The purpose of the Les Cahiers du Digital collection is to introduce the public to the major challenges of digital transformation, drawing on the contributions of experts with recognized field knowledge on the subject. Written in a clear, accessible style, and each focusing on a specific theme, these publications are aimed not only at our students, but also at any reader wishing to learn more about these challenges, whatever their field of expertise.
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Annual reports
Available in French only, his book brings together contributions from researchers with a keen interest in the recent evolution of digital technologies. Unsurprisingly, these include artificial intelligence (AI). With the advent of generative AI, many questions have resurfaced, such as the impact on employment and the ability of AI to replace human labor, the risk of further aggravating the environmental impact and hindering the transition to sustainability, and the ability to predict the future based on complex calculations made on the basis of large amounts of data. All this is discussed in the first chapters of the book. The rest deals with other equally interesting digital technologies, such as the metaverse and blockchain, but also social networks, particularly through the phenomenon of influencer marketing. Written in a clear and accessible style, this book aims to enlighten the general public on sometimes little-known aspects of digital technology, while always taking a critical look at this constantly changing world.